Looking for Biology Degrees Online? Look here

Here’s a great question…are there any biology degrees online?

The answer would be yes…or maybe…or it depends.

While there are biology degrees online, biology is a large field, and the specific area you are looking for might not be online.

What is Offered?
Unfortunately, there is no perfect resource to locate all biology degrees online. In fact, it is difficult to find an institution that has an entire biology program online. Some programs offer a limited number of classes online while the others are on campus. In short, getting an online degree in biology seems possible, but finding information on it is a bit of a challenge.

One exception to the rule is Oregon State University. This institution offers several biology-related programs online. These include bachelor’s degrees in the following areas:

· Agricultural Sciences

· Environmental Economics and Policy

· Environmental Sciences

· Fisheries and Wildlife

· General Horticulture

· Human Development and Family Sciences

· Natural Resources

Alternatives – There Are Some
But don’t give up the dream of finding biology degrees online. There are some alternatives that you might want to consider.

Settle for a Biology Concentration
Ashford University has a unique concept where you can transfer your biology credits and apply them to another degree program as a concentration. For instance, you can transfer your biology credits and create a concentration for a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management. (Note: You can also use your work experience in biology and potentially convert it to credits toward this degree.) While it is difficult to tell how this type of degree is accepted in the current work environment, you can do a little research through informational interviews with future employers to see how they feel about it. Be aware though, if you are planning on getting an advanced degree, such as in medicine or nursing, that requires a biology undergraduate degree, this alternative probably won’t work. You will need to have taken the biology- and science-intense curriculum to be accepted into a master’s program in those areas.

Go to Two Schools – One Online, One On-Campus
Another alternative is to go to an online school then transfer to a brick and mortar school. There are a couple of ways to do this.

First, you can go to an online college that offers an associates degree, possibly one in science, and then transfer to a four-year institution. Or you can go to an online institution and take as many classes online and then transfer to the brick and mortar school with the biology degree.

These alternatives to biology degrees online will take careful planning and many discussions with counselors at both colleges. For each step of the way you will need to ensure that your credits will transfer. Additionally, prerequisites will need to be checked as well. You might be able to take these at the online school. Finally, there are residency requirements at nearly all schools. You might need to take your final 30 credit hours at the brick and mortar school to graduate.

Regardless of the route that you choose, you should seek advice from multiple sources as you proceed. If this is the only option you have, you want to be sure that you are not wasting time taking classes you can’t transfer, or worse, following a path that will not lead to the career you want.

Do you know of biology degrees online that aren’t discussed here?

Please share them with your peers.