You Dont Have to Be an Athlete to Get a Bachelor Degree in Nutrition Online

Most people getting an online degree is based upon their interests. However, you might be surprised at how an interest can reveal itself and at the type of people who will choose a bachelor degree in nutrition online. In fact, when it comes to health related fields of study, most people have a specific reason that they choose a certain field. Ask a nurse, physical therapist, nutritionist or other hospital worker why they entered the health field and there is a good chance that you will hear a story of personal triumph or family challenges. One nurse I spoke to when my son was born had become a nurse after her own baby was born with some health problems and she was so impressed with the hospital staff that helped the baby heal and prepare for a normal life. Similarly, many nutritionists have a reason behind their choice.

Choosing a Bachelor Degree in Nutrition Online

When I was young I had a babysitter who lived across the street. When my parents went out she would come over, and she and I would play games and eat junk food. I remember one of our snacks was this crazy concoction of toast with peanut butter and melted candy bars – it gives me a sugar headache today just to think of it, but we loved it. Thinking back, I’m guessing it was her original creation and shows a heavy sugar addiction problem, because by the time she was 18 years old she was diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes. She took it really seriously and quickly changed her eating habits and that was the end of our crazy junk food fests.

Not long after she started college, and at some point during her college career she changed her major to nutrition. I remember, even at my young age, thinking it was funny that my junk food eating sitter was now going to advise people on their diets. As I hit my own teen years I started to develop a slight weight problem, and she designed a diet for me. The last I saw her she was a practicing dietician in a hospital, and I learned that, of course, it was her own diabetes that had gotten her interested in nutrition.

Getting Work and Getting Healthy

Earning a bachelor degree in nutrition online is, surprisingly, not an unusual choice for people who have a weight problem or eating disorder. Often, we humans are drawn to things that are challenging for us or which hold mystery. To a person who has a disease, such as diabetes, or a weight control problem, learning about nutrition could be very valuable not only to professional practice but also to personal growth. By earning a bachelor degree in nutrition online, you can prepare yourself for a job in this important field, helping others along the road to wellness while also teaching yourself what you need to know to improve your personal health.

Do you have a health issue, or a family member with an issue, that helped you decide to pursue the study of nutrition?

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