A Variety of Very Different Schools Offer a Paralegal Degree Online

As you consider embarking on a paralegal degree online it is important to recognize that you have literally hundreds of programs to choose from. When looking at programs you will see many different areas to consider, and not every school will have everything that you feel is important. Read the following reviews of four very different schools; these reviews will tell you a bit about these particular schools but also simply give you a glimpse of what schools are out there and what to look for as you look at different schools and recognize what online degrees are taken seriously.

Boston University

Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston University offers a certificate in paralegal studies. Requiring courses in legal research, legal technology, corporate law, family law and more, they offer the choice between a paralegal degree online and a paralegal certificate, both earned at the physical campus in Boston. While an existing bachelor's degree or equivalent experience is recommended to start this program, it is not required. While job placement is not available through Boston University, they do offer a semi-annual paralegal career seminar that can help you prepare to find the perfect job after you earn your certificate. Boston University has regional accreditation and a good reputation, but their paralegal degree online is not certified by the American Bar Association.

Kaplan University

Kaplan University offers an extensive array of online legal programs. Among the repertoire of programs at this regionally accredited university is a legal secretary certificate, an associate's and bachelor's in paralegal studies, and a master's in legal studies. Kaplan runs on a 10 week quarter structure; a unique feature of this university is their five week money back guarantee, where you can try your first course for five weeks and leave with a full refund if it turns out not to be the right fit for you. This provides a great way to try out a paralegal degree online with little risk.

ITT Technical Institute

ITT Tech is well known as a professional education school, offering solid education to prepare for any variety of specific jobs. Their paralegal program requires the usual range of courses from research and writing to different types of law. With both online and on campus courses, ITT Technical Institute can be a versatile option for pursuing your paralegal education. However, it is important to know that ITT is not regionally accredited. Thus, most likely courses taken at this school will not transfer to other schools if you decide to move or pursue an additional degree in the future.

University of California Los Angeles

UCLA offers an on campus paralegal program at an extension program of the well respected UCLA university system. With their paralegal certificate, UCLA can provide both the skills and education, as well as a notable college name, to help you break into your new career. Furthermore, this program is both regionally accredited and also accredited by the American Bar Association.

Choosing a School

There are literally hundreds of more paralegal schools throughout the United States and at least a hundred places to earn a paralegal degree online. These four prevent a sampling of the various options from non-accredited but respected schools, to regionally accredited and fully online schools, to schools fully accredited regionally and by the American Bar Association. All of these are factors to consider as you embark on a paralegal degree online or through a traditional brick and mortar program.  As you finalize your decision be sure to look at accreditation and reputation, online or on campus, course offerings, degree levels, cost, and availability of financial aid.

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